Top 10 Popup Mistakes to Avoid for Better UX and Conversion

the cover of popup mistakes to avoid article with a warning popup on a fair background

Popups can be a highly effective tool in the digital marketer's arsenal when utilized correctly.

As we have always mentioned, they can increase conversions, generate leads, and engage users. However, poorly executed popups can have the opposite effect, irritating users and driving them away from your website.

If you ask what to do to avoid this mistake, we will discuss the top 10 mistakes to avoid when creating popups and how you can improve user experience and achieve better conversion rates by optimizing your popup design and trigger.

people working on improving user experience

1- Showing Popups Too Soon

The first and most crucial mistake to avoid is timing. You should not make your popups too intrusive and annoying.

If your popup appears immediately upon a user visiting your site, it can be perceived as aggressive and unwelcome.

To prevent this, consider using time-delayed or scroll-triggered popups that appear only after users have spent time on your site or scrolled down a certain percentage of the page.

a discount popup sample on a yellow background

Another practical solution could be sidebar popups, which are less intrusive and still draw attention if triggered at the right time.

2- Poorly Designed Popups

A poorly designed popup can harm your brand image and deter users from engaging with your content.

Make certain that your popups not only look attractive but also align with your brand identity and harmonize with your website's overall aesthetic.

Keep the language straightforward and succinct while steering clear of overcrowding the popup with too much text or imagery.

Try using contrasting colors; for example, if your site has a dark background, experiment with light-colored scheme popups.

a sign up popup sample on a pink background

Furthermore, make sure your popup is easily dismissible. Users find it very annoying when they come across a popup that is hard to close.

Include a clear and visible close button or allow users to click outside the popup to close it. An innovative solution could be using animated popups to draw your visitor's attention to your content.

3- Lack of Clear Value Proposition

The truth is users are more likely to engage with your popup if it presents a clear value proposition. As such, a lack of a clear value proposition is among the popup mistakes you have to avoid.

Ensure that your popup provides a valuable incentive, like a special discount, unique content, or a complimentary trial period.

Avoid popups that only ask users to sign up for a newsletter without providing any incentive or benefit.

To enhance your value proposition, consider personalizing your popups based on user behavior, location, or browsing history.

This allows you to present users with more relevant offers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

4- Not Utilising Advanced Targeting

Advanced targeting techniques can significantly improve the effectiveness of your popups by displaying more relevant and personalized content to your users.

One such technique is geo-targeting, which involves customizing popups based on the user's geographical location. This can be particularly useful when offering region-specific promotions or content.

Segmenting your visitor based on various factors, such as demographics, browsing behavior, or interests, can also enhance the relevance of your popups.

For example, you can display different popups for new and returning users, tailoring your message to their specific needs and familiarity with your brand.

Another targeting method involves using the user's browsing language to display popups in their preferred language, making the content more accessible and engaging.

the advanced segmentation of Popupsmart

Lastly, consider using page segmentation to display popups relevant to the specific topic or content the user is browsing.

This ensures that the popup adds value to the user's experience by providing additional information or resources related to the content they are currently viewing.

5- Not Optimising for Mobile Devices

As more and more users browse websites on mobile devices, it's crucial to make sure your popups are mobile-friendly.

If not, this could result in a negative user experience and a drop in conversion rates. Test your popups on various devices and screen sizes to guarantee a seamless experience for all users.

Additionally, be mindful of Google's guidelines on mobile popups, as non-compliant popups can negatively impact your search rankings and impact your core web vital scores.

Google discourages the use of intrusive interstitials on mobile websites, so make sure your popups follow best practices for mobile user experience.

6- Too Many Popups in One Session

Displaying too many popups in a single user session can lead to a frustrating browsing experience, potentially causing users to bounce from your website.

It's important to find the right balance when using various types of popups, such as exit-intent, top bar, and time/scroll-triggered popups.

Overwhelming users with multiple popups can diminish the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and harm your website's reputation.

To avoid this issue, consider limiting the number of popups you display during a session or using cookies to track the user's interaction with your popups.

This can help ensure that users are not bombarded with repetitive or irrelevant popups, leading to a more positive user experience.

Additionally, pay close attention to user behavior and feedback to refine your popup strategy and ensure it remains user-friendly and effective.

7- Neglecting the Customer Journey

A B2B journey map visually illustrates the stages a potential client goes through, from their initial visit to ultimately becoming a customer. Popups can play a significant role in guiding prospects through this journey.

By understanding the stages of the B2B journey map, you can create targeted and relevant popups that support users at each journey stage.

For example, offering a helpful guide for prospects in the awareness stage can help educate them about your product or service.

As they progress to the consideration stage, you might promote a product demo or a case study that demonstrates your solution's effectiveness.

Finally, in the decision stage, you can use popups to offer limited-time discounts or exclusive promotions that encourage prospects to convert into customers.

By tailoring your popups to the different stages of the B2B journey map, you can create a more personalized and relevant experience that supports your prospects throughout their journey.

8- Ineffective Calls to Action (CTAs)

A weak or unclear call to action (CTA) can be the downfall of your popup campaign. Your CTA should be attention-grabbing and entice your site visitors to take action immediately.

Use contrasting colors and fonts to make your CTA stand out, and ensure it clearly communicates the desired action for the user.

the arrow and a button on a fair background

Additionally, avoid using generic CTAs like "Submit" or "Sign up." Instead, opt for more specific and enticing language that conveys the value your users will receive by taking action.

For example, "Download Your Free Guide" or "Claim Your 20% Discount" are more effective CTAs that can lead to higher conversion rates.

9- Failure to Test and Analyse

Lastly, you can decide how to use popups for your campaigns, but it is essential to test and analyze the performance of your popups regularly.

Without proper analysis, you won't know if your popups are helping or hurting your conversion rates.

Use A/B testing to experiment with different popup designs, headlines, CTAs, and triggers to determine which combinations yield the best results.

Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rate, bounce rate, and time on site to gain insights into how your popups are impacting user behavior.

Utilize the insights from your analysis to make informed decisions for the ongoing improvement and optimization of your popup campaigns.

10- Using Long Forms

Long forms within popups can negatively impact conversion rates, as users may be deterred by the amount of information requested or the time it takes to complete the form.

Lengthy forms can be especially off-putting in the context of popups, as users may not want to invest a significant amount of time filling out a form while browsing your website.

To address this issue, consider shortening your forms by only requesting essential information from users, such as their names and email address.

This makes the form quicker and easier to complete, increasing the likelihood of users engaging with your popup.

the coupon popup on a soft background

Additionally, you can implement multi-step forms that break the process into smaller, more manageable steps, creating a more user-friendly experience.

Another solution is to offer social media logins or autofill options, allowing users to quickly populate the form fields with their existing information, reducing friction and boosting conversion rates.


In conclusion, well-executed popups can serve as a powerful tool for driving user engagement and improving conversion rates when implemented thoughtfully and strategically.

By avoiding common mistakes and optimizing your popup campaigns, you can create popups that enhance the user experience and support your prospects throughout their journey.

Keep in mind that finding the right balance is essential when integrating popups into your online marketing approach.

Ensure that your popups are visually appealing, relevant, and valuable to your users while also being mindful of the benefits of popups.

By taking the time to understand your audience, tailoring your content to their preferences, and continually testing and optimizing your campaigns, you can create popups that not only boost your conversion rates but also strengthen your brand's reputation and foster positive relationships with your users.

FAQs Corner

Are there any industry-specific considerations for using popups?

Yes, certain industries may need to be particularly cautious when using popups. For example, healthcare websites may need to ensure that popups do not interfere with a patient's ability to access important medical information.

How can popups be used effectively for e-commerce websites?

Popups can be used to display special offers or promotions, gather customer feedback, or encourage users to sign up for a newsletter. However, pointing out for the second time, it is important to avoid showing too many popups or using intrusive language.

How can I determine the best time to display a popup?

The best time to display a popup can vary depending on the specific website or application, but it is generally recommended to display it after the user has had time to engage with the content and before they are about to leave the page.

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