OptiMonk VS Adoric Comparison

OptiMonk and Adoric comparison cover on a fair background

There are many options available to businesses looking to increase conversions and boost sales. Two notable platforms in this space are OptiMonk and Adoric.

Both offer a wide range of features to help businesses create and target effective campaigns, but they also have their own unique strengths and differences.

In this comparison, we will examine the similarities and differences between OptiMonk and Adoric, including their features, integrations, pricing, and more.

However, by gaining a deeper understanding of the capabilities of both platforms, you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you.

OptiMonk vs Adoric comparison banner with the logos


OptiMonk and Adoric are powerful conversion optimization tools that help businesses increase conversions and boost sales.

Both platforms offer a wide range of features, including customizable templates, advanced audience targeting options, and user behavior targeting options.

Both tools provide robust analytics tools to evaluate campaign performance and optimize conversion strategies.

OptiMonk and Adoric have drag-and-drop editors that allow for easy customization of campaigns and also offer A/B testing capabilities.

Both platforms also offer various targeting options, including exit-intent targeting, time-frame targeting, and event targeting.

Additionally, both OptiMonk and Adoric integrate with major email service providers and offer customer support to provide guidance and best practices.


OptiMonk and Adoric are both powerful conversion optimization tools that offer a variety of integrations to help businesses increase conversions and boost sales.

Both platforms offer integration with major email service providers such as MailChimp and AWeber, allowing businesses to capture leads easily and build email lists.

However, there are some differences in the integrations offered by OptiMonk and Adoric. OptiMonk offers integration with popular CRM and marketing automation tools such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and ActiveCampaign, allowing businesses to manage and nurture leads easily.

Adoric also offers integration with these platforms and integration with additional tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, allowing businesses to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior.

Both platforms also offer integration with webhooks, allowing businesses to send data to their own servers or third-party platforms automatically.

OptiMonk also offers integration with Zapier, a platform that allows businesses to connect their apps and automate workflows.

In summary, OptiMonk and Adoric both offer integration with major email service providers and webhooks, but OptiMonk offers additional integration with CRM and marketing automation tools, and Adoric offers integration with additional tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms will depend on your business's specific needs and the most important integrations.


There are some key differences between the two platforms.

One of the main differences between OptiMonk and Adoric is the targeting options they offer. OptiMonk has a wide range of targeting options, including exit-intent targeting, time-based targeting, and user behavior targeting, while Adoric's targeting options are more limited. Adoric's targeting options include exit-intent targeting, time-based targeting, click-based targeting, event-based targeting, and page-scroll targeting, but it lacks the user behavior targeting that OptiMonk has.

Another difference between the two platforms is the number of integrations they offer. OptiMonk has a wide range of integrations, including major email service providers, CRM systems, and e-commerce platforms. Adoric, on the other hand, has fewer integrations, but it does integrate with major email service providers and CRM systems.

Another point to consider is the pricing plans; Adoric's pricing plans are more flexible than OptiMonk's; Adoric offers a free plan and several paid plans that vary in price and features, while OptiMonk's pricing plans are based on the number of pageviews.

Lastly, Adoric's templates are more interactive and engaging, it offers interactive elements such as popup forms, floating bars, and games, while OptiMonk's templates are more static and traditional, such as traditional box-style popups, subtle slide-ins, and attention-grabbing top or bottom bars.


OptiMonk and Adoric offer various pricing plans to suit the needs of different businesses. Both platforms offer a free plan with limited features and several paid plans with more advanced features and functionality.

In terms of pricing, OptiMonk's plans tend to be slightly more expensive than Adoric's plans. OptiMonk's Basic plan starts at $29/month, while Adoric's Free plan offers similar features at no cost. OptiMonk's Pro plan starts at $59/month, while Adoric's Basic plan offers similar features at $19/month. OptiMonk's Advanced plan starts at $129/month, while Adoric's Essentials plan offers similar features at $49/month.

One key difference in pricing between the two platforms is that OptiMonk charges based on the number of page views, while Adoric charges based on the number of visitors. This means that OptiMonk's pricing may be more expensive for businesses with high website traffic, while Adoric's pricing may be more affordable for businesses with lower website traffic.

Another difference is that Adoric offers a Standard plan that offers more advanced features and functionality than OptiMonk, such as comprehensive analytics and reporting, as well as advanced targeting options and A/B testing capabilities, while OptiMonk's highest tier is the Advanced Plan.

In conclusion, while both OptiMonk and Adoric offer a range of pricing plans to suit different business needs, OptiMonk's pricing tends to be slightly more expensive than Adoric's. Additionally, Adoric offers a Standard plan with more advanced features than OptiMonk's Advanced plan. Ultimately, the best choice for a business will depend on its specific needs and budget.

Which One is the Best: OptiMonk or Adoric?

Both platforms offer a wide range of features for creating and targeting popup campaigns, including customization options, audience targeting, and analytics tools.

However, OptiMonk offers more integrations and a higher number of page views for their plans, while Adoric offers an in-page content feature and more features for interactive elements.

Both platforms have a free plan and multiple pricing options, so it is important for businesses to evaluate their own needs and budget before making a decision.


To sum up, OptiMonk and Adoric are powerful conversion optimization tools that offer a wide range of features and capabilities to help businesses increase conversions and boost sales.

The choice between OptiMonk and Adoric will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business. It is essential to carefully evaluate both platforms and determine which one is the best fit for your business.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a thorough examination of each platform's features, pricing, and support to ensure that the chosen solution aligns with the business's unique needs and goals.


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