OptinMonster VS Hello Bar Comparison

OptinMonster vs Hello Bar comparison cover with their logos on a fair background

Are you trying to decide between using OptinMonster or Hello Bar for your website's lead generation and conversion optimization needs?

Both tools offer powerful features for capturing visitor attention and increasing conversions, but there are also notable differences between the two.

In this comparison, we will take an in-depth look at the features, pricing, and capabilities of OptinMonster and Hello Bar to help you determine which one is the best fit for your business.

From the design options to the targeting capabilities, we will examine each platform's strengths and weaknesses and provide an overview of the key differences between OptinMonster and Hello Bar.

By the end of this comparison, you'll clearly understand which tool will work best for your website's unique needs.

the banner of OptinMonster vs Hello Bar and their logos on a fair background


OptinMonster and Hello Bar are both popular tools for website owners looking to increase conversions and grow their email lists.

Both tools offer a variety of features for creating and customizing popups and other types of opt-in forms, targeting specific pages and users, and analyzing performance data.

Both tools allow for A/B testing, targeting specific pages and users, and customizing the appearance of the pop-ups.

Additionally, both tools offer analytics and reporting features to help businesses track the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Both tools integrate with popular email marketing providers, such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact, allowing businesses to manage and segment their email lists easily.


One of the key similarities between OptinMonster and Hello Bar is their integration with popular email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber. Both tools allow businesses to connect their email lists easily and use the captured data to send targeted email campaigns.

In addition to email marketing integrations, both OptinMonster and Hello Bar also offer integration with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce. This allows businesses to connect their online stores easily and use the captured data to increase sales and reduce cart abandonment rates.

Check the integrations of Hello Bar.

Another similarity between OptinMonster and Hello Bar is their integration with CRM systems such as Salesforce and Infusionsoft. This allows businesses to use the captured data to improve customer engagement and increase sales.

While both OptinMonster and Hello Bar offer similar integrations, OptinMonster has more integration options than Hello Bar. OptinMonster has more integrations options to email marketing platforms, marketing automation platforms, CRM platforms, and e-commerce platforms than Hello Bar.

In summary, both OptinMonster and Hello Bar offer a variety of integrations with popular email marketing, e-commerce, and CRM platforms. However, OptinMonster has more integration options than Hello Bar, which may make it a better choice for businesses that use multiple platforms.


One of the main differences between OptinMonster and Hello Bar is in their targeting capabilities. OptinMonster offers advanced targeting options such as exit-intent technology, which detects when a user is about to leave the website and displays a targeted campaign. Hello Bar, on the other hand, offers targeting options such as targeting by city, state, or country and targeting by ad, campaign, source, and medium.

Another difference between the two is in their customization options. OptinMonster offers a wide range of customizable templates and allows for custom CSS and HTML code to be added, providing businesses with more flexibility in terms of design. Hello Bar, while also customizable, has a more limited range of templates available and may not offer as much flexibility in terms of design.

In terms of integrations, OptinMonster offers a wider range of options, such as integration with popular email marketing platforms like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber. Hello Bar offers integration with Zapier and email integration but may not have as many options available as OptinMonster.

Finally, in terms of pricing, OptinMonster offers a more flexible pricing structure with options for businesses of all sizes. Hello Bar also offers a range of pricing options but may not have as many options for larger businesses.


OptinMonster and Hello Bar offer pricing plans for businesses of various sizes, but there are some key differences to consider.

OptinMonster's pricing plans are based on the number of website visitors, starting at $9/month for the Basic plan, which is suitable for up to 2,500 unique visitors. The Pro plan starts at $19/month for up to 10,000 unique visitors, and the Growth plan starts at $29/month for up to 25,000 unique visitors.

The Elite plan's highest tier starts at $49/month for up to 100,000 unique visitors. The pricing plans may also vary depending on the additional features required, like A/B testing, advanced targeting, and more.

On the other hand, Hello Bar's pricing plans are based on the number of page views and features. The free plan includes limited features and 5,000 page views per month.

The Starter plan starts at $9/month with unlimited pop-ups, subscribers, and A/B tests and a maximum of 5,000 page views per month. The Growth plan starts at $29/month and includes custom branding options, Zapier and email integration access, and a maximum of 25,000 page views per month.

The Premium plan starts at $49/month and includes additional features like webhooks, sub-accounts, and a maximum of 50,000 page views per month. The Elite plan starts at $99/month and includes all features and a maximum of 200,000 page views per month.

Which One is the Best: OptinMonster or Hello Bar?

In determining which of the two tools, OptinMonster or Hello Bar, is the best for businesses, ultimately depends on the specific needs and goals of the organization.

OptinMonster and Hello Bar offer similar features such as lead generation, A/B testing, and targeting specific pages or users. However, OptinMonster offers more advanced targeting options and integrates with a wider range of email marketing platforms, making it a better choice for larger businesses with more complex marketing strategies.

On the other hand, Hello Bar offers a more cost-effective solution for businesses with lower website traffic and is more user-friendly, making it a more suitable option for small businesses or those with limited marketing resources. Ultimately, businesses must weigh each tool's pros and cons and determine which one aligns best with their unique needs.


To conclude, OptinMonster and Hello Bar are powerful tools that can help businesses increase their website's conversion rate and revenue.

Each tool offers a unique set of features and pricing options, making it essential to carefully consider your business's specific needs before making a decision.

OptinMonster offers a more extensive set of features, including A/B testing, targeting, and analytics, making it ideal for businesses.

On the other hand, Hello Bar is a cost-effective solution for businesses with low website traffic and provides a simple and easy-to-use interface.

The choice between the two will depend on your business's specific requirements, and it is recommended that you evaluate both options before making a final decision.


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