Poptin VS Adoric Comparison

the cover of Poptin and Adoric on a fair beige background with their logos

As businesses seek to optimize their online presence and drive conversions, the choice of a conversion optimization tool can make all the difference.

Two popular options in this realm are Poptin and Adoric.

Both platforms offer a wide range of features and capabilities for creating and targeting pop-up campaigns, but they also have their distinct differences.

In this comparison, we will delve into the similarities and differences between these two tools and help you determine which one may be the better fit for your specific needs and goals.

the Poptin and Adoric logos to compare their features


Poptin and Adoric are powerful conversion optimization tools designed to help businesses increase conversions and boost sales.

Both platforms offer a wide range of features and customization options to create and target various types of pop-up campaigns, including the ability to segment audiences based on behavior, links, time spent on the page, and cookies.

Both platforms offer user-friendly drag-and-drop editors for easy customization of campaigns and analytics tools to evaluate campaign performance and optimize conversion strategies.

Additionally, both Poptin and Adoric offer integration with multiple devices and email service providers.

Both platforms are suitable for different website types and businesses, providing detailed trigger rules, A/B testing capabilities, and customer support.


One of the main similarities between Poptin and Adoric is their integration with email service providers. Both platforms integrate with popular email marketing tools such as MailChimp, AWeber, and Constant Contact, allowing businesses to easily grow their email lists and create targeted campaigns.

Another similarity between the two platforms is their integration with e-commerce platforms. Both Poptin and Adoric integrate with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, enabling businesses to increase sales and reduce cart abandonment.

You can check the integrations of Poptin further.

Both platforms also offer analytics and reporting tools to evaluate campaign performance and optimize conversion strategies. These tools allow businesses to track and analyze key metrics such as conversion, click-through, and bounce rates and make data-driven decisions to improve their campaigns.

However, Poptin and Adoric do differ in terms of the number and type of integrations they offer. Poptin offers more integrations with a wider range of tools, including webinar platforms, CRM software, and analytics platforms. Adoric, on the other hand, has fewer integrations but offers more advanced targeting options and A/B testing capabilities.

You can check Adoric's integrations further.

In summary, both Poptin and Adoric offer similar features and integrations, with Poptin providing a wider range of integrations and Adoric offering more advanced targeting options and A/B testing capabilities.


One of the main differences between the two platforms is the type of campaigns they offer. Poptin focuses mainly on creating popup forms, exit-intent forms, floating bars, and slide-ins, while Adoric offers a wider range of campaign types, including popup forms, floating bars, in-page content, and tooltips.

Another significant difference is the targeting options available on each platform. Poptin offers targeting options based on user behavior, such as exit-intent, time on page, and scroll depth, while Adoric offers a more extensive range of targeting options, including user behavior, clicks, events, time frame, and schedule.

This allows Adoric users to deliver highly targeted and relevant messages to specific audiences, potentially increasing conversions and reducing cart abandonment.

Adoric also offers a more extensive range of customization options with its drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to easily create and customize campaigns with over 10,000 free graphic elements. Poptin, on the other hand, has a limited number of templates and customization options compared to Adoric.

In terms of integrations, Poptin has a wider range of integrations with over 20 platforms, including major email service providers and e-commerce platforms, while Adoric has integrations with major email service providers and web analytics tools.

When it comes to pricing, Poptin offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting at $29 per month, while Adoric offers a free plan with limited features and paid plans starting at $19 per month.

In conclusion, Adoric offers a more extensive range of campaign types, targeting options, and customization options, making it a more comprehensive solution for businesses looking to maximize their return on investment. On the other hand, Poptin offers a more affordable pricing plan and a wider range of integrations.


Poptin offers a Free plan, a Basic plan, a Pro plan, and a Business plan.

Adoric offers a Free plan, a Basic plan, an Essentials plan, and a Standard plan.

The Free plan of Poptin is suitable for new websites just starting out and looking to meet their initial sales goals. This plan offers the basic features and functionality necessary to drive conversions and increase sales, but with a limited number of views and forms. The Free plan of Adoric also offers the basic features and functionality necessary to drive conversions and increase sales, but also with a limited number of views and forms.

The Basic plan of Poptin is designed for websites that are looking to take their sales to the next level. This plan offers more advanced features and functionality that will help you increase conversions and drive more revenue, but with a limited number of views and forms. The Basic plan of Adoric is also designed for websites that are looking to take their sales to the next level and it offers more advanced features and functionality that will help you increase conversions and drive more revenue.

The Pro plan of Poptin is tailored to websites that are looking to achieve prime conversion rates. This plan includes all of the features and functionality of the Basic plan but with even more advanced tools and insights to help you achieve optimal performance. The Essentials plan of Adoric is also tailored to websites that are looking to achieve prime conversion rates, and it includes all of the features and functionality of the Basic plan but with even more advanced tools and insights to help you achieve optimal performance.

The Business plan of Poptin is designed for websites that are looking to bring their conversions to the next level. This plan includes all of the features and functionality of the Pro plan but with even more advanced tools and insights to help you achieve the highest possible conversion rates. The Standard plan of Adoric is also designed for websites that are looking to bring their conversions to the next level, and it includes all of the features and functionality of the Essentials plan but with even more advanced tools and insights to help you achieve the highest possible conversion rates.

Important to mention, Poptin offers more flexible pricing plans that adapt to the size of the business, while Adoric offers more affordable pricing plans with a clear distinction between the levels of service. Both platforms offer a free trial to test the features and functionalities before committing to a paid plan.

Which One is the Best: Poptin or Adoric?

It ultimately depends on a business's specific needs and goals when determining whether Poptin or Adoric is the best option.

Poptin offers a wider range of integrations and advanced analytics, while Adoric provides more advanced targeting options and A/B testing capabilities.

Ultimately, both platforms have their own unique strengths, and the choice will come down to the needs of the business.


In conclusion, both Adoric and Poptin offer a wide range of features and functionalities to help businesses increase conversions and boost sales.

However, each platform has its unique set of features, pricing plans, and integrations that cater to different business needs.

It is important to carefully evaluate each platform's features, pricing, and integrations and consider the overall ease of use and support provided by each before making a final decision.


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