Poptin VS Wisepops Comparison

the cover of Poptin and Wisepops to compare the two popup builders in terms of their features and details

In today's digital age, website engagement is crucial for businesses looking to increase conversions and drive sales. One effective way to achieve this is by incorporating interactive popups and forms into a website's design.

Two popular options for creating these elements are Poptin and Wisepops. Both tools offer a range of customization options and integrations. However, they also have their unique features and benefits.

This comparison will delve into the similarities and differences between Poptin and Wisepops and help businesses determine which option best suits their needs.

Poptin and Wisepops logos on the banner with a fair background


Poptin and Wisepops are both tools for creating popups, forms, and other website engagement elements.

Both platforms have user-friendly interfaces and a range of customization options to match the look and feel of a website.

Both also offer A/B testing, analytics, and targeting options to help optimize website engagement and conversions.

Additionally, both Poptin and Wisepops integrate with a variety of third-party systems, such as email marketing platforms and CRMs, allowing users to manage all aspects of customer engagement from one central location.

Both platforms also offer the ability to create and customize various types of popups and forms, including exit-intent popups and lead generation forms.

While they share many similarities, Poptin and Wisepops also have some unique features and functionalities.


Poptin is a tool that offers a range of integrations with third-party systems, such as Zapier and Bitrix24. These integrations allow users to connect their popups and forms with other tools and platforms they use for their business. For example, users can connect their popups with email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp or Aweber, to automatically add new subscribers to their email lists.

Wisepops, on the other hand, offers integrations with over 60 CRMs and ESPs, allowing users to connect their campaigns with other marketing tools. This means that users can connect their Wisepops campaigns with other marketing platforms, such as email marketing, CRMs, and analytics tools, making it easy to manage all aspects of their customer engagement from one central location. This saves users time and effort and provides a streamlined workflow, making it a convenient tool for website customization and customer engagement.

Furthermore, Wisepops also has an advanced Shopify integration, which enables users to create campaigns that are specifically designed for the e-commerce store, and allows users to take control of their entire website experience.

In summary, Poptin provides integration options to connect with various different platforms, while Wisepops offers more advanced integrations specially designed to cater to e-commerce websites and provide a more cohesive customer experience.

Both options allow users to connect their campaigns with other marketing tools, but Wisepops has a larger number of integrations, which can be more useful for businesses that already have a number of different tools in place.


One of the major differences between Poptin and Wisepops is the scope of their offerings. Poptin is primarily focused on creating popups and forms, while Wisepops offers a wider range of options, including popups, bars, and embeds. This means that Wisepops is better suited for businesses looking to create a more comprehensive website engagement strategy, while Poptin is better for those focused on specific elements like popups and forms.

Another key difference between the two tools is their level of customization. Poptin offers a range of templates and customization options, but these options are primarily focused on the design and layout of the popups and forms. Wisepops, on the other hand, offers more advanced customization options, including the ability to create personalized bars and embeds and a wide range of targeting options to help users reach their desired audience at the most appropriate time.

When it comes to integrations, Poptin offers a range of options, including Zapier and Bitrix24, which allows users to connect their popups and forms with other marketing platforms such as email marketing, CRMs, and analytics tools. Wisepops also offers integrations with a wide range of tools, including more than 60 CRMs and ESPs, and the ability to import custom code.

Additionally, Wisepops offers features such as gamification and exit-intent popups to personalize targeting options based on visitor behavior, location, and language. This feature allows users to create a cohesive and personalized experience for their customers, leading to increased conversions and customer satisfaction.


Poptin offers four different pricing plans: the Free Plan, the Basic Plan, the Pro Plan, and the Agency Plan. The Free Plan is available at no cost and includes access to templates, customization options, email marketing integrations, and chat and email support. It is suitable for businesses with up to 1,000 visitors per month and allows for the use of one domain.

The Basic Plan includes all the features of the Free Plan, as well as additional customization options and integrations and the ability to send up to 1,000 autoresponders. It is suitable for businesses with up to 10,000 visitors per month and allows for the use of one domain.

The Pro Plan is designed for businesses with more advanced needs and includes all the Basic Plan's features and the ability to send up to 5,000 autoresponders and use up to four domains. It is suitable for businesses with up to 50,000 visitors per month.

The Agency Plan is tailored to the needs of large enterprises and includes all the features of the Pro Plan, as well as the ability to send up to 15,000 autoresponders and use an unlimited number of domains. It also includes premium support. This plan is suitable for businesses with high volumes of traffic. All plans are available on an annual billing cycle, with discounts for upfront payment.

On the other hand, Wisepops offers several pricing plans that include unlimited campaigns and users, A/B testing and scheduling, goal tracking, analytics, and 60+ ready-to-use campaign templates. The platform has different plans with different features and pricing options, and you can choose the plan that best suits your business needs.

The pricing plans of Wisepops are based on the number of website visitors per month, and they start at $29/month for up to 10,000 website visitors per month and go up to $399/month for up to 1 million website visitors per month. They also offer a custom plan for businesses with more than 1 million website visitors per month. Additionally, Wisepops offers a 14-day free trial for users to test the platform before committing to a paid plan.

One of the key differences between the pricing plans of Poptin and Wisepops is that Wisepops includes a wider range of features in its plans, such as A/B testing, goal tracking, and ready-to-use campaign templates, which are not included in Poptin's plans.

Additionally, Wisepops has a higher starting price than Poptin but offers a free trial period, whereas Poptin only offers a free plan with limited features. Wisepops also has tiered pricing that increases as your website visitors increase, while Poptin has a fixed pricing structure with the same features across the plans.

Which One is the Best: Poptin or Wisepops?

It ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the business in question.

Both Poptin and Wisepops offer a range of features and customization options for creating and implementing effective popups and forms.

Poptin offers a more affordable pricing structure and a wider range of integrations, while Wisepops offers a larger selection of ready-to-use campaign templates and advanced targeting options.

It's recommended to evaluate the business's specific requirements and compare the features and pricing options of both Poptin and Wisepops to determine which platform would be the best fit.


In conclusion, Poptin and Wisepops offer robust solutions for creating and customizing popups, forms, and other website engagement tools.

Both platforms offer a range of customization options, integrations, and features that can help businesses increase conversions, subscriptions, and audience engagement. However, it is important to note that each platform has its own strengths and limitations, and the best option for a business will depend on its specific needs and preferences.

It is important to take into account the pricing plans, the integrations, the features, and the overall user experience. Therefore, testing both platforms with a free trial period and comparing the results before making a final decision is recommended.


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