Popupsmart VS Hello Bar Comparison

Popupsmart and Hello Bar comparison cover with their logos

Popupsmart and Hello Bar are both powerful tools for website owners looking to increase conversions and engagement on their websites.

Both tools offer a variety of features and customization options to help businesses target specific pages or users, track performance, and create effective CTAs.

However, despite the similarities, there are some key differences between the two tools in terms of pricing, features, and integrations that may make one more suitable for a particular business than the other.

In order to make an informed decision about which tool is best for your business, it is important to consider your specific needs and budget, as well as the features and integrations offered by each tool.

Then, if you're ready, let's find out!

the comparison of Popupsmart and Hello Bar title


Popupsmart and Hello Bar are both tools that are designed to help businesses increase website engagement, lead generation, and conversion rates. Both tools are user-friendly and easy to install, customize, and test.

Both tools offer various templates and do not require programming skills.

Both tools allow for creating banners and popups without the need for a web developer.

Both tools also provide statistics on the performance of the banners and popups, allowing for targeting specific pages or users.

Both tools offer the ability to track key metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) to monitor performance and improve campaigns.

Both tools have a wide range of popup options to choose from, including modals, alerts, and bars.

Both tools also offer integrations with various email marketing and CRM platforms.

Popupsmart and Hello Bar are great tools for businesses looking to increase their website engagement, lead generation, and conversion rates. However, it's important to note that each tool has its own unique features and limitations, and businesses should carefully evaluate their specific needs before making a decision.


Popupsmart and Hello Bar both offer a range of integrations to help businesses optimize their campaigns and maximize the efficiency of their email list-building efforts.

Popupsmart offers integrations with popular email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber. These integrations allow businesses to easily capture email addresses and add them to their email lists.

Additionally, Popupsmart also offers integration with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce. This allows businesses to track and analyze the performance of their e-commerce campaigns and optimize them for better results.

On the other hand, Hello Bar also offers integrations with popular email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and Constant Contact and integration with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce.

Hello Bar also offers integration with Zapier, which allows businesses to connect with a wide range of other apps and services, such as Google Analytics, Trello, and Salesforce.

In terms of integrations, both Popupsmart and Hello Bar offer similar options for email marketing platforms and e-commerce platforms.


Popupsmart and Hello Bar are powerful tools for creating and optimizing popups and banners on websites, but they have some distinct differences in terms of features.

One of the main differences between the two is the variety of popup options available.

Popupsmart offers a wide range of pre-designed templates and options to choose from, including floating bars, slide-ins, modals, and full-screen overlays. Hello Bar, on the other hand, primarily focuses on persistent header and footer bars that scroll with visitors, modals, and alerts.

Another key difference is the level of customization available. Popupsmart allows for a high degree of customization, including the ability to upload custom popups, whereas Hello Bar's customization options are limited to adjusting the background, CTA colors, and fonts.

In terms of targeting and scheduling, Popupsmart allows for targeting specific pages or users and scheduling messaging and offers by time and date. Hello Bar, on the other hand, allows for targeting visitors based on their city, state, or country, targeting returning visitors to your site, and customizing messages according to their previous activity on your site.

Popupsmart also provides more detailed analytics and reporting than Hello Bar, allowing for the tracking and optimization of performance by getting detailed reporting on metrics like clicks and conversions. Hello Bar provides analytics for your campaigns, but it's not as detailed as Popupsmart.

In conclusion, both Popupsmart and Hello Bar offer powerful tools for creating and optimizing popups and banners on websites, but they differ in terms of features and functionality. Popupsmart offers a wider range of popup options, more customization options, and more detailed analytics and reporting. Hello Bar primarily focuses on persistent header and footer bars and offers a simpler, more user-friendly interface.

Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your business's specific needs and goals.


Popupsmart and Hello Bar offer different pricing plans for their users.

Popupsmart has four plans for creating and using popups on websites: the "Free" plan, the "Basic" plan, the "Pro" plan, and the "Expert" plan. The "Free" plan allows for 1 popup on 1 website and a maximum of 5,000 pageviews per month. The "Basic" plan allows for unlimited popups and websites and a maximum of 100,000 pageviews per month. The "Pro" plan allows for unlimited popups and websites and a maximum of 500,000 pageviews per month. The "Expert" plan allows for unlimited popups and websites and a maximum of 1,000,000 pageviews per month.

On the other hand, Hello Bar has a free plan and several paid plans that vary in price and features. The Starter plan allows for a maximum of 5,000 page views per month, unlimited pop-ups, subscribers, and A/B tests. The Growth plan allows you to reach custom branding options and access to Zapier and email integration. The Premium plan and Elite plan offer additional features such as A/B testing, targeted campaigns, and custom branding and may include a higher number of page views.

In terms of pricing, Popupsmart offers more flexibility with its plans and allows for a higher maximum number of page views per month. However, Hello Bar offers a cheap solution for businesses with low website traffic and offers additional features such as A/B testing, targeted campaigns, and custom branding in its paid plans.

Which One is the Best: Popupsmart or Hello Bar?

It is hard to determine definitively which tool, Popupsmart or Hello Bar, is the best for businesses as it ultimately depends on the specific needs and goals of the individual business.

Both tools offer a range of features and pricing options and have unique strengths and weaknesses. Popupsmart is known for its extensive customization options and A/B testing capabilities, while Hello Bar is known for its ability to target specific pages or users and provide valuable insights into the performance of banners and popups.

In terms of pricing, Popupsmart offers a free plan, as well as several paid plans with increasing levels of features and page views. Hello Bar also offers a free plan and several paid plans, with the pricing being more cost-effective for businesses with low website traffic.

In terms of integrations, Popupsmart offers a broader range of integrations with email marketing platforms, CRM tools, and e-commerce platforms, while Hello Bar has a more limited range of integrations.

Overall, it is essential for businesses to carefully evaluate their needs and goals and compare the features and pricing of both tools before making a decision. It may be helpful for businesses to try out the free plans or take advantage of free trials to test the tools and see which one is the best fit for their business.


In conclusion, both Popupsmart and Hello Bar are powerful tools for businesses looking to increase their website's conversion rates and engagement. Both tools offer a variety of features for creating and customizing pop-ups and banners, targeting specific users, and tracking performance.

However, each tool has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to thoroughly evaluate their specific needs and requirements before making a decision on which tool to use.

Ultimately, the best tool for a business will depend on the specific goals and objectives of the business, as well as the specific features and integrations that are most important for their needs.

It is recommended that businesses take advantage of the free trial or demo options offered by each tool to test them out and make an informed decision.


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