Privy VS Wisepops Comparison

the comparison cover of Privy and Wisepops on a beige background

When it comes to marketing automation, two platforms that have gained popularity in recent years are Privy and Wisepops.

Both platforms offer businesses a range of features to help them grow their email lists and increase conversions on their website.

However, each platform has its unique set of features and integrations that cater to a business's different needs and goals.

In this comparison, we will take a closer look at the key features, integrations, and pricing plans of Privy and Wisepops to help businesses make an informed decision on which platform would be the best fit for their specific needs and goals.

the banner of Privy and Wisepops comparison with details


Privy and Wisepops are both successful popup builders.

Both platforms have some similarities in their features and capabilities, such as:

  • Email capture forms: Privy and Wisepops offer the ability to create email capture forms that can be integrated into various website pages to help businesses grow their email list.
  • Customization: Both platforms provide a range of customization options that allow businesses to create campaigns and forms that are tailored to their specific needs and goals.
  • A/B testing: Both platforms offer A/B testing capabilities that allow businesses to test different variations of their campaigns and forms to optimize conversion rates.
  • Targeting: Both platforms provide targeting options that allow businesses to reach their desired audience at the most appropriate time, increasing the chances of success.
  • Integration: Privy and Wisepops integrate seamlessly with other marketing tools businesses already use, providing a cohesive customer experience. This allows businesses to connect their campaigns with other marketing platforms, such as email marketing, CRMs, and analytics tools, making it easy to manage all aspects of their customer engagement from one central location.


Privy and Wisepops offer a range of integrations to help businesses connect their marketing campaigns with other tools.

Privy offers integrations with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. It also has integrations with email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and Constant Contact. These integrations allow businesses to connect their email capture forms and campaigns seamlessly with their e-commerce store and email marketing platform, providing a cohesive customer experience.

Wisepops, on the other hand, offers a wider range of integrations, including website builders, CRM, analytics, and heatmap tools. It supports 60+ CRMs and ESPs integrations, allowing businesses to connect their campaigns with a variety of tools that they already use. The platform also offers advanced integration options with Shopify, which allows businesses to take full advantage of Shopify's e-commerce capabilities and track customer behavior on their website.

In conclusion, Privy's integrations are mainly focused on e-commerce businesses and provide specific integrations with e-commerce platforms and email marketing systems. Wisepops, on the other hand, offers a wider range of integrations, including website builders, CRM, analytics, and heatmap tools.


One key difference is the type of campaigns that each platform offers. Privy focuses primarily on exit-intent popups and email capture forms, which are particularly useful for e-commerce businesses. These features are designed to capture email addresses from visitors at the point of leaving the website, which can help increase the chances of converting visitors into customers.

Wisepops, on the other hand, offers a broader range of campaigns that include popups, bars, and embeds. These campaigns are designed to engage website visitors with interactive and visually pleasing notifications such as spin-to-win games or countdown deals. These campaigns are aesthetically pleasing and provide a valuable engagement opportunity for website visitors.

Additionally, it allows users to take control of their entire website experience with the drag-and-drop builder by creating personalized bars and embeds that can be used to guide customers through the buying journey.

Another difference is the level of customization options that each platform offers. Privy's customization options are more limited, whereas Wisepops offers more advanced customization options. Wisepops is equipped with a user-friendly, no-code drag-and-drop builder that allows users to design visually appealing and professional-looking campaigns easily. This feature allows users with minimal design or development experience to create captivating and effective campaigns in a matter of clicks without the need for programming or design knowledge. This makes Wisepops a powerful tool for website customization and customer engagement.

In terms of targeting options, Wisepops offers more than 40 one-click and advanced targeting options, which enables users to segment their audience and tailor their campaigns with precision. This can be done through various methods such as Triggers, Audience, and Custom targeting. On the other hand, Privy also provides targeting options, but it is more limited compared to Wisepops.

Lastly, Wisepops provides a robust analytics and testing capability that allows users to measure the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. This can help businesses to optimize their campaigns for maximum effectiveness. While Privy also provides some analytics features, it is not as extensive as the analytics capabilities of Wisepops.


Privy's pricing plans are based on the number of contacts in a business's email list. The plans range from a free plan to a premium plan, with the option to upgrade or downgrade at any time. The free plan offers basic features such as email capture forms and exit-intent popups, while the premium plan includes additional features such as A/B testing, targeting options, and integrations with e-commerce platforms.

Wisepops, on the other hand, offers a more flexible pricing structure, where businesses can choose from four different pricing plans, each with a different set of features and limitations. The plans range from a free plan to a premium plan, with the option to add additional features as needed. The free plan offers basic features such as email capture forms and exit-intent popups, while the premium plan includes additional features such as A/B testing, targeting options, and integrations with CRM platforms.

In summary, Privy's pricing plans are mainly based on the number of contacts in a business's email list, while Wisepops's pricing plans are based on the features and limitations required by the business. Both platforms offer a range of pricing plans that cater to different business needs and budgets, and businesses can select the plan that best meets their specific requirements.

Which One is the Best: Privy or Wisepops?

If a business primarily operates in the e-commerce sector and looking for a platform to help them grow their email list and increase conversions, Privy could be a suitable option. Its main focus is on exit-intent popups and email capture forms which are specifically designed to capture email addresses from visitors at the point of leaving the website, which can help increase the chances of converting visitors into customers.

On the other hand, if a business is looking for a more comprehensive solution that offers a variety of campaigns, advanced customization options, and powerful analytics capabilities, Wisepops might be a better fit. Its drag-and-drop builder and over 60 ready-to-use campaigns allow users to take full control of their website experience and easily create visually appealing and engaging campaigns. Additionally, its wide range of targeting options and integration capabilities makes it a powerful tool for customer engagement and website optimization.


While Privy's main focus is on exit-intent popups and email capture forms and is more suitable for e-commerce businesses. Wisepops offers a more comprehensive solution with more advanced features, a variety of campaigns, advanced customization options, and powerful analytics capabilities.

Businesses should take the time to thoroughly examine both platforms, comparing features, pricing, and customer reviews to make an informed decision.

By doing so, they can ensure that they choose a platform that will help them achieve their desired results and reach their objectives.

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